Employer Branding — 5 Benefits of Taking Care of the Employer’s Image

Aga Babicz
5 min readJul 20, 2022


Nowadays, recruiters more and more often struggle with the shortage of candidates. The favorable situation in the labor market for specialists from various industries means that it is often the candidate who sets the conditions for taking up a job, and not the other way around, as it was a dozen or so years ago. IT experts are one of the most common examples here. The same applies to industries employing e.g. welders, financiers, traders and senior managers. Employer Branding comes in here to help.

Why should we take care of its development in the company? Find out in the article.

What is Employer Branding?

Employer Branding (EB) is the process of building a positive image of an organization as an employer. This term can be used to describe all activities aimed at increasing employee satisfaction, as well as the interest of potential candidates in working in the enterprise. The activities of EB include promoting initiatives taken in the organization and external communication of these activities, which is most often used to attract new talents.

Just as the assessment of your company translates into sales results, the image created among employees and candidates affects their willingness to work in the company, and thus also the quantity and quality of applications sent.

Why is it worth taking care of the company’s image as an employer?

Taking care of the company’s image as an employer is so important because it’s what largely influences the candidate’s decision to send application documents and accept a job offer.

In addition, effective Employer Branding activities (consistent with the actual state of the company) reduce the risk of error in the context of matching the competencies and character of a new employee to the expectations of the job and the organizational culture prevailing in the company. Thanks to this, the company saves the recruiter’s money and time, usually devoted to long verification of the application and the entire process of selecting candidates.

Therefore, Employer Branding activities bring many benefits. First, they make it easier to attract and retain the best talent. Secondly, they have a positive effect on reducing costs and encouraging customers to cooperate with us.

How does Employer Branding provide so many benefits?

1. Increases the number of spontaneous applications

A strong employer brand increases interest in working in our company. Even if we are not currently conducting the recruitment process, receiving spontaneous, additional applications from people who are able to wait for its launch will make it much easier for us to provide staff and systematic development of the company. Moreover, the sent CVs are usually of better quality. The percentage of random applications is also negligible.

2. Makes recruiting more effective

Recruitments conducted by recruiters representing a company with an attractive brand are faster, cheaper and more accurate. Both the base of spontaneous applications and the readiness of candidates to work with us help in this. Oftentimes, potential employees value the strong brand name of the employer more than the amount of remuneration. Thus, the desired employer gains competition from companies that offer better financial conditions. Determined candidates also decide to accept a job offer faster, because they do not look for other opportunities at the same time.

3. It allows you to attract the right talents

Thanks to the well-known brand, we will be able to more effectively attract the employees we need to the company. Experts with unique competencies will be happy to join an organization that will enable them to develop further, provide new challenges and take care of the working atmosphere, communication and relations with colleagues. EB activities will allow us to spread information about the organizational culture prevailing in the company, and thus help attract people who will feel best in such an environment. People like to feel comfortable at work and “be themselves”. That is why they are willing to work in companies whose values ​​they identify with themselves.

4. Provides increased commitment and reduced rotation

When building a strong employer brand, we do not focus only on the image of the candidates. One of the main goals of properly conducted Employer Branding activities is to care for the company’s employees and their satisfaction with the prevailing working conditions there. Thanks to this, we increase the motivation in the team. An attractive brand and higher motivation build employee loyalty. They are more likely to reject a competing offer and stay with the company longer. What’s more, the committed team willingly shares positive opinions about the employer and recommends working with us to their friends and family.

5. Affects financial results and customer satisfaction

An attractive employer brand attracts not only job candidates. It also works for clients who are more likely to work with companies caring about their teams. In addition, a higher level of employee satisfaction translates into their commitment to work and careful execution of tasks. The more an employee identifies with the employer’s brand, the more he cares about high-quality customer service.

Employer Branding brings only benefits

A clearly defined mission and the values ​​of the company are one of the most effective and engaging ways to attract the recipients of our candidates. The presentation of the organizational culture and the atmosphere that prevails in the team helps potential candidates to imagine the everyday life of their future work and encourages them to get to know the organization better.

In addition, Employer Branding activities build a stronger commitment of employees and positively affect their satisfaction with the work performed and motivation to take up new challenges. The positive image of the employer is also not indifferent to clients who are more willing to cooperate with an ethical company that not only focuses on achieving more and more profits, but puts employees in the first place.

If you are looking for committed IT specialists who will join your team and you want to cooperate with an effective IT recruitment agency — send us a message.

Originally published at https://nexttechnology.io on July 20, 2022.



Aga Babicz

Marketing Specialist at Next Technology Professionals - IT Recruitment | IT Outsourcing