Stress Among Employees — How to Deal With It?

Aga Babicz
4 min readApr 24, 2022


Some time ago, an article about the causes and symptoms of occupational stress appeared on our blog. The situation in the world is conducive to the development of anxiety in us. Both the coronavirus pandemic and subsequent political events have a huge impact on the health and mental state of all people and often affect the well-being of employees and their efficiency. In difficult moments, they need understanding and help from the employer. Therefore, it is worth organizing additional support for them and ensuring a safe space in the workplace.

Unfortunately, the office is not always conducive to maintaining mental peace, and sometimes it even causes unpleasant symptoms and even mental disorders. That is why it is so important to prevent stressful situations in the company and to properly deal with their negative consequences.

What aspects should we pay the most attention to?

Stress at work is most often caused by unfavorable conditions, such as:

  • no challenges and monotony of actions,
  • too much workload,
  • restrictive rules,
  • no development opportunities,
  • undefined role in the organization,
  • bad atmosphere at work and lack of interpersonal relationships,
  • destructive organizational culture,
  • unclear communication within the company,
  • work-life imbalance.

We can quickly see that most of these factors are matters that we can influence as employers. Thanks to this, we will minimize the risk of occupational stress for our employees and avoid unpleasant consequences related to it.

Effects of occupational stress

The effects of stress affect not only the individual experiencing it, but also the functioning of the organization in which the person works. As a result of persistent occupational stress, the employee feels worse and worse, which affects their concentration and commitment to work. They begin to have more and more problems with making difficult decisions and thinking logically. The person is becoming less and less effective and efficient. Due to sleep problems, the employee is often irritated and tired, which can lead to conflicts with co-workers. As stress continues, the employer may even begin to experience panic attacks, depression or neurosis. Progressive health problems quickly lead to more absenteeism and sick leave, more accidents at work, more frequent complaints from customers and increased employee turnover.

How to deal with stress at work?

The best way to deal with stress is to maintain a hygienic lifestyle. Our body and mind need rest from work, a healthy diet, adequate sleep time and a lot of excercise, which helps to maintain good condition and the proper functioning of the nervous system.

Another way is to try to improve yourself in order to improve your qualifications or to verify the expectations set by your manager, which may turn out to be simply too high. In such a situation, it is worth trying to talk to the management and report the problem with the feeling of work overload.

What can you and your employees do to feel more comfortable in difficult working conditions?

  • exercise assertiveness, not try to please everyone and avoid perfectionism;
  • learn time management and its organization — it will help you plan tasks better and avoid chaos;
  • do relaxation and breathing exercises, meditate;
  • in the office, try not to give in to negative emotions, take care of a good atmosphere;
  • take care of your comfort at work (comfortable chair, adequate lighting and temperature).
  • take care of physical activity, walk a lot;
  • get enough sleep — good sleep will help reduce stress;
  • take care of a proper diet, rich in minerals and vitamins.

If the above-mentioned ways of coping with stress do not prove helpful, and the feeling of anxiety persists, it is worth considering visiting a specialist (psychologist or psychiatrist).

How can employers prevent occupational stress among employees?

Employers are responsible for the mental health and well-being of their employees. They can do this by improving working conditions and ensuring a healthy work environment. In order to prevent occupational stress, the organization may conduct activities in the following areas:

  • establishing a clear organizational structure and rules;
  • taking care of appropriate recruitment — proper matching of new employees to the organizational culture and duties in a given job position;
  • planning employee development and providing appropriate training to expand competencies;
  • precise description of the requirements for all positions along with the goals, strategy of the organization and the method of measuring the effectiveness of employees;
  • taking care of communication within the organization;
  • organizing integration events for employees and monitoring satisfaction and atmosphere in teams;
  • systematic response to problems.

If you want to experience stress-free recruitment of IT specialists, contact us. We will be happy to help you hire people tailored to your organization.

Originally published at on April 24, 2022.



Aga Babicz
Aga Babicz

Written by Aga Babicz

Marketing Specialist at Next Technology Professionals - IT Recruitment | IT Outsourcing

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